Micah 7:20 KJV
Thou wilt perform the truth to Jacob,
and the mercy to Abraham,
which Thou hast sworn unto our fathers
from the days of old.
You will continue to be kind to us, because we are Jacob ‘s and Abraham’s people. That is what you promised to our grandfathers a long time ago.
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Perform the truth
Perform the faithful promise.
To Jacob … Abraham
Thou shalt make good to their posterity the promise made to the patriarchs.
God’s promises are called
▪︎ “mercy,” because they flow slowly from grace;
▪︎ “truth,” because they will be surely performed
(Luke 1:72,73, 1 Thessalonians 5:24).
Sworn unto our fathers
(Psalms 105:9,10 ).
▪︎ The promise to Abraham is in Genesis 12:2 ;
▪︎ The promise to Isaac, in Genesis 26:24 ;
▪︎ The promise to Jacob, in Genesis 28:13 .
This unchangeable promise implied an engagement that the seed of the patriarchs should never perish, and should be restored to their inheritance as often as they turned wholly to God ( Deuteronomy 30:1,2 ).
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“Do you know what will amaze me more and more in church, the older I get?” Asked the eighty-year-old man. “This, that God is so faithful.” And he talked about all the conditions he had experienced in church during his life.
- Church schisms
- Church council meetings that got out of hand.
- Families who split up because of ecclesiastical differences and much more.
But if he now looks back in his life, only one thing remains at the end: The faithfulness of God.
That is also how Micha concluded his prophetic book. And that faithfulness of God means that He remembers the promise that He swore to Abraham and to Jacob.
In that guilty people, God still sees His friend Abraham and Jacob whom He loved. And God still remembers His covenant.
The church is just a weak vessel. But Jesus, the Lord of the church, gives firm ground under her feet.
The older we get, the less we expect from ourselves, and the more we expect God’s faithfulness to His people.
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