1 John 3:18
Little children,
let us not love with word or with tongue,
but in deed and truth.
How sweetly does the apostle of love address God’s children, “My little children,” That’s what they are, new-born babes, eager for the reasonable unadulterated milk of God’s Word. Children entrusted to his pastoral care.
He loves them, therefore he admonishes them faithfully and honestly, but lovingly.
Are you already a child?
You know what the Savior said, “Unless you become like a little child, you will by no means enter the kingdom of God.
A new birth from God, a life from the Christ.
Become small in yourself. Then you do not feel too big to be called a child. Then it is an eternal miracle for you to be allowed to be a child.
Through Him Who came to earth as a Child to atone for your guilt.
Then you will take the admonition to heart.
To love not with words and tongue alone, that is easy. But with the deed. Like the Lord Jesus, Who gave Himself up to the deepest reproach on the Cross, yea, to the depths of hell.
And that out of eternal love for His own.