Read: 1 John 3:13-24
We need not marvel at the hatred of the world. Those who are absorbed in the world know nothing of the life from and with the LORD, nor do they seek it (1 Corinthians 2:14).
The life that God intends, and the assimilation into the world, are opposed as life and death (John 3:13-15). We, who are allowed to live from God, really love our fellow brothers and sisters.
If we do not love fellow believers, then we do not live out of God. Jesus demonstrated love by laying down His life for us (John 10:11; See also 2 Corinthians 8:9).
If necessary, we too should lay down our lives for one another. (John 3:16). This is a real opportunity, especially in times of persecution.
Sheltering the persecuted was and is a perilous occupation. Then love can really become visible.
The brother who is in need must also be helped. We must not say: “Go and fare well!” Or “God be with you” and then turn our back on them.
If we act like this, God’s love does not abide in us.
Indeed, we must help wherever we can. True love proves itself in deeds (John 3:17,18).
If love manifests itself in deeds with us, we may deduce that we are of the truth. Then it turns out that Christ, who is the Truth (John 14:6), is our breeding ground.
But isn’t it true that our heart, our conscience, accuses us again and again and condemns us for failing in love?
Yes, but we should not despair. God knows our hearts and whether we are sincere to Him and sincere to live for His glory. He knows that we must grow in His grace (John 3:19,20; Cf. Matthew 12:20).
But we have an advantage if our heart does not condemn us. That creates boldness before the LORD and we get what we ask for according to His will. If we believe in Jesus and love one another, then we live under an open heaven (John 3:21,22).
How do we find ourselves doing God’s will?
By the Spirit He has given us (John 3:23,24). He works in our lives. He is going to transform our lives more and more into the image of his Son, so that we become more and more like Jesus in our actions.
- What is the character of our love to God, and to each other?