1 John 2:15
Don’t love the world
nor the things in the world.
If anyone loves the world,
the love of the father is not in him.
This seems, at first hearing, actually an incomprehensible word from the mouth of John.
He is the very evangelist who recorded the word of Christ: “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son…” God so loved the world, his creation, that he gave his Son for it. . And now the apostle says that whoever loves the world is outside of God’s love.
John does not mean creation by “world”.
He will love every child of God and want to keep them sparingly. “World” here means more: a principle. It is man’s way of life, corrupted by sin.
That life at the expense of God’s honor and the salvation of the neighbor.
That life-just-for-yourself, as is the order of the day in all areas.
He who loves that world loves himself most.
You have to choose.
It’s either loving Jesus or loving the world.