The coughing of the past few months appears to be caused by fluid in the lungs. On November 1, this coughing in the evening became so bad that we called the ambulance. It turned out I had had another heart attack. This time a light one.
The ambulance spent almost 1 hour with me to stabilize me. The fluid in the lungs, feet and legs turned out to be caused by a severely weakened heart.
At 22:00 I was in the hospital and at 04:00 (November 2) they were ready for me to go to the cardiac monitoring department. Sunday November 6, I was able to go home again, where I arrived at 4:30 PM.
I am now on a fluid restriction that means I can’t get more than 1500cc fluids now, with everything counting (Did you know that a banana contains 75% fluid?). This is because my heart only has 40% of the strength of a healthy human heart, and it is unable to pump out all the fluid.
Next Thursday I have to go to the hospital again for a heart and blood test related to the heart (heart failure outpatient clinic) and a check on the kidneys, because they now have to process much less fluid.
I spent a few days in the hospital on oxygen, and it took some getting used to doing without it again. I can clearly see that the muscles now receive less oxygen.
I feel a little weak now, but other than that I’m fine.
Best regards from both of us