1 John 2:3
By this we know that we have come to know Him,
if we keep His commandments.
In the congregation to which John writes his warning letter, there are people who claim to have more than faith.
Faith is so they say – something for the common man.
They boast of being of the initiates who are above faith.
They say they have “knowledge”.
Believers must keep the commandments of God. Whoever possesses that sublime knowledge – it is argued – is free from the Law. He knows for himself what is good or bad.
A terrible error, which really hasn’t been eradicated yet.
Also in this day and age there are many people who claim to be Christians, but who reject the commandments of God and want to determine for themselves what is allowed and what is allowed. “Take care,” says the apostle. After all, believing is: being allowed to know and love Him personally. How can you say you love Him and ignore His commandments?
Keeping His commandments, sings the poet of Ps. 119, is the hallmark of our love towards God.