1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins,
He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
As little children, we always had trouble admitting our guilt.
• “He did it too!”
• “She did it first!”
The kids can imagine that.
Often that is still the case with the elderly.
If we stick to that, we’ll never get any further.
Sin is a child, of whom no one wants to be the father or mother.
Many miss out on grace, because the high word never comes out.
Not to God and not to neighbor.
John shows us another way.
If we confess our sins…
The judge will then determine the penalty.
Not so with the Lord Jesus. He is faithful and just to forgive sins.
That is a miracle of grace.
Acquittal for a sinner.
Such a man owes it not to his confession, but to Him who is faithful and righteous… the only One.