Matthew 14:35
And when the men of that place recognized Him,
they sent word into all that surrounding district
and brought to Him all who were sick;
A lot of advertising comes into our house. These advertisements calls children to the toy store and the do-it-yourselfer to the hardware store.
There are people who say: The church should also advertise more.
There’s something in that. But in the same way as those men in Genesareth. When Jesus entered their village, they recognized Him as the one who walked in God’s love to do good. That is why they go through the village, they even go through the entire region and call the people outside, to Jesus. And everyone who comes to Jesus in faith receives healing.
This healing is a sign that Jesus is saving all of life. When He heals people, He is engaged in the Father’s work of salvation: He will save His people from their sins.
After all, sickness has its roots in sin. The healing through Jesus testifies to His atoning work, which opens a new world for us. Also for you?
Whoever touches Him by faith is healed from their sins. Parents and church council believe that and that is why they are calling young and old to church, to meet Jesus.