Matthew 14:31
Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand
and took hold of him, and said to him,
“You of little faith, why did you doubt?”
Peter is saved simply because Jesus grabs him.
He cries: S.O.S., Lord save me! In his helplessness, he extends his hands to Jesus.
And then we don’t see a Jesus, Who says: It’s your own fault.
Then we see a Jesus bowing over to Peter.
A Jesus, who immediately stretches out His hands!
Do you see it? That strong hand of Jesus? That hand that holds. That is the pinnacle of this history. Do you see that image in your mind? Take a picture of it! And if I may give you an advice: look at this photo every day!
Peter, the one who is held! From day to day. From moment to moment.
No, not Peter, who is holding on to Jesus, but Peter who is held by Jesus.
Three photos. If you ask me which one do I like best?
Yes, the first one is beautiful. Still, I prefer the latter.
Do you know why? Because in that photo I see a child, as it were. Small. Weak. And let’s face it: don’t we often resemble that? If you feel dependent and if you, like a child, can only do one thing: raise your hands with tears in your eyes, then you may know that the hands of that little child are firm and safe in the strong hands of Jesus, Who never lets go. !