Matthew 14:25
And in the fourth watch of the night
He came to them, walking on the sea.
The night was divided into four night watches of three hours each. The fourth watch lasted from three o’clock to six o’clock in the morning.
The Lord knew well that His disciples were in need. He knew of their struggle, but did not immediately come to the rescue.
The disciples have at least three night watches, that is, at least nine hours of wrestling against the storm and the water.
They had to learn that they could not to get across on their own. They had to expect it from the Lord.
That’s how the Lord still works. The ship of life of God’s children is ravaged by the waves of the sea of life. Own powers are not enough to get through it.
As far as the inner life is concerned, it sometimes seems as if it will always keep on storming, as if it will never be light again. Our own powers fail miserably. It is taught in the school of grace to be able to do nothing without the Lord.
When God’s child is weary, has no strength any more, it pleases the Lord to give relief. That outcome can never be attributed to man, but only to the Lord.