Matthew 13:44 NASB2020
The kingdom of heaven is like
a treasure hidden in the field,
which a man found and hid again;
and from joy over it he goes
and sells everything that he has,
and buys that field.
When the man in the parable had sold everything, he was ready to buy the field and call the treasure his own. In this way we also become partakers of Christ and all his goods. The way of selling all ours, losing everything outside of Christ.
And we have to lose a lot, everything!
But if we have seen the suitability of Christ, when we have seen the riches of His sacrifice, oh, no price is too high.
Blessed is the man who found out the secret of selling everything we have.
Then the sale is closed. It is impossible to describe how rich the sinner is who has found all his salvation and all his honor in Christ.
Here we must say what is written:
“That which eye hath not seen,
and ear hath not heard,
and that which hath not entered into the heart of man,
which God hath prepared for them that love him.”
Beatitudes unspeakable, rich consolations, strong encouragements, glorious visions of faith… what a treasure there is in the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. Whoever finds Him is rich. Here and later forever.
Has the sale already been closed?
Remember this too:
“Where your treasure is,
there your heart will be.”