Matthew 13:44
The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure
hidden in the field,
which a man found and hid again;
and from joy over it he goes
and sells all that he has
and buys that field.
Hidden in the field.
We have already seen that the gracious kingdom of the Christ is a treasure.
But now that treasure is not just up for grabs.
It is a treasure hidden in the field.
In the past, when there were no banks and vaults, it was not uncommon to hide precious treasures in the ground. To such a treasure hidden in a field the kingdom of heaven is here compared in the parable.
It’s a treasure. But hidden!
The riches of God’s grace are hidden from the lovers of the world.
Even for the wise, the people who trust in their own righteousness, and for the nominal Christians, the riches of Christ are a hidden thing.
Yes, what does the natural man see in Jesus?
Do you see riches in Him?
Is it desirable for you to be a child of the Lord?
Who sees glory in mercy for the guilty today, comfort for the desolate, peace for the worthy?
People are so blind to it.
The people see neither form nor glory in Jesus.
How the god of this age has blinded their senses.
How cold and indifferent their hearts are.
That’s guilt and shame!
What a charge!
The kingdom of heaven is a treasure.
And the people? People don’t look for it.
And you? Be honest and see with shame that the treasures of the world delight you more than the treasures of the Christ.