Matthew 13:46
And upon finding one pearl of great value,
he went and sold all that he had and bought it.
The pearl of great value is the Christ.
Where all the pearls of the world and religion are worthless, is this pearl a pearl of great value.
Everything is sold.
In principle everything that stands in the way of serving the Lord should be abandoned. Also the self-righteousness.
It is extremely poor to hold on to worldly possessions, or man’s own gems. These will bring you to eternal poverty.
What a wealth of grace it is, when you may loose and get rid of all, that stands in your way to receive the pearl of great value, the Christ.
Only to God be all the glory for this.
God’s children may be despised in the world, but they may share in the favor of the Lord.
In Christ is all, to find what is needed.
“All that is in Him is altogether lovely.”