Psalms 68:20-21
²⁰God is to us a God of deliverances;
And to God the Lord belong escapes from death.
²¹Surely God will shatter the head of His enemies,
The hairy crown of him who goes on in his guilty deeds.
Since sin has held sway over this beautiful earth, wars, strife, violence, sickness and death, and attendant pain, sorrow and mourning have become the heralds of the king of terror.
And where these heralds of the realm of darkness approach, there man feels his complete powerlessness.
However, ever since our blessed Savior entered this earth, a light has shone over our graves. Our graves will not remain closed forever.
Since that hour a light has been woven over the gloomy shroud.
Did not Jesus, the conqueror of death, say, ‘Lazarus, our friend is asleep, I go to raise him?’ So also, all who have fallen asleep in Him, will one day be raised up to be with Him forever.
But there is still something else with which we may comfort each other: “To the Lord, God, belong escapes from death”, but thank God, not only from death after our earthly existence, but also from the eternal death.
This God has become for us a God of complete salvation.
He to whom we have turned our backs in our sins, has come to us to break the fetters not only of the grave, but also of the power of hell.
Therein lies the assurance of hope for every sinner who flees to Him.
For every lost man whom we bring in prayer to the God of perfect results and salvation.
Therefore, let us not delay in asking for His grace in prayer, for ourselves, but also for those who are dear to us.
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