Matthew 7:14 NASB
For the gate is small
and the way is narrow
that leads to life,
and there are few who find it.
There are only two ways: the broad and the narrow.
Our text today says, “The gate is small and the way is narrow.”
▪︎ The narrow way is a way of self-denial,
▪︎ of the crucifixion of the flesh,
▪︎ of affliction
▪︎ and of many trials and tribulations.
In that way sorrow is known for sin itself.
Not just sorrow over the consequences of sin.
The tender and filial fear of God may be exercised by grace.
The service of the Lord is a service of love.
The Holy Scriptures are the guideline.
Most of mankind is on the broad road that leads to destruction.
Few are on the narrow road.
They would never have coveted that way themselves.
But the Lord has written them from eternity in the Lamb’s book of life.
Christ wanted to be counted as a walker in the broad way to take the place of His people.
Those who have been brought by grace into the narrow way are but a small flock.
That little flock need not fear, for it is the Father’s good pleasure to give them the kingdom.
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