Matthew 7:14 NASB
For the gate is small
and the way is narrow that leads to life,
and there are few who find it.
“This speech is hard, who can hear it?”
If it were the other way around, yes, there would be plenty of enthusiasts.
“Won’t you also go away?”
No, says a reader who really cares about God.
It is such a wonder that there is still a gate, a way that leads to eternal life.
However narrow that gate may be, however narrow that road may be, yet my great purpose in life will be to enter that gate, and to walk that road.
Because only that leads to life, to eternal life.
All other gates and roads,
▪︎ no matter how religious,
▪︎ no matter how attractive,
lead irrevocably to eternal death.
“There is a way that seems right to a man,
but the extremity of it are ways of death.”
What is meant by the narrow gate?
Christ. He says it Himself: “I am the Door”.
Why is that gate small?
So you can only get through if you lose all that is your own.
So you can only get through it, like a poor naked sinner learning to bow deeply to God.
Why is that road narrow?
Because it is the way of the cross, but also full of sweet joy.
It is the way to life.
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