Psalms 104:27-28 NASB
²⁷They all wait for You
To give them their food in due season.
²⁸You give to them, they gather it up;
You open Your hand,
they are satisfied with good.
How immeasurably great is the household of God!
Daily He takes care of all His creatures, people and animals alike.
He takes care for all His creation.
He takes care, even for the ungrateful, who do not remember Him, and do not receive their food from His hand, but, like Cain, attribute it to their own efforts.
And also on the wicked, who do not ask for Him, He causes His sun to rise.
In the meantime, with regard to waiting for God, of which the poet speaks above, very many people do not want to do this any more. And as a result, they are no longer satisfied with the good from the hand of the Lord.
For many it is no longer about His food in His season.
After all, many people no longer care about the necessary livelihood, but only about wealth and excess in their time.
The more of it one has, the more one desires.
The more one collects, the more one wants to gather.
For earthly possessions in themselves, which have not been received from the hand of God, and therefore not received as a blessing, leave you empty and cold!
Let us keep ourselves free from this zeitgeist, which has also gained a firm foothold in various churches!
Whoever waits on the Lord will always find that the Lord opens His hand and gives generously. God’s gifts always satisfy and make the heart grateful for worship.
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