Although I rarely dream, I have had regular dreams lately that actually always came down to the same
To warn – to be laughed at – and then ultimately the downfall of those who did not listen.
In one dream I was with friends in a forest and when we wanted to go back the map we had had disappeared, so we had trouble finding our way back.
At one point there was a nice tarmac path that turned left my friends decided to follow that path because if a path is so nice with tarmac it will definitely lead somewhere was their assumption.
I, however, saw a few people walking in the distance and I wanted to ask them if they could show the way. My friends, however, had no time for that and no desire to admit that they could not find the way themselves. They and decided to just go down the path.
When I spoke to the people they told me that that path was used before the military training area was built and now only served for the maintenance of the park.
They further pointed me in the exact opposite direction, along a small, narrow, trodden path that would lead to the nearest residential area.
I walked back to where my friends were saying goodbye and yelled after them that they were walking in the wrong direction, warning them that the people had told me that the path ahead was gated and that behind that gate an military training ground was build where exercises would take place that day.
What my friends did was perilous!
However, they laughed at me and walked on.
I then entered the narrow path, and indeed soon arrived at a residential area.
After this I woke up.
In every dream it always came down to the pointless warning – trying to make people make a better choice – being laughed at – and then finally the downfall of those who would not listen to the warnings.
Today I realized…
▪︎ that through the devotionals I have already over 2,280 times pointed you to the only way of salvation,
▪︎ that I have already called you more than 2,280 times to take up your cross and follow Jesus.
You are not like those friends who were lost through their stubbornness, are you?
Don’t let that be..!
Have you already made that decision?
Have you already decided to follow Jesus?
▪︎Will you soon be one of those who will be with Him forever in His glory, in His Kingdom?
▪︎Or will you soon be not known by Him, and will you be cast out for eternity?
It is not too late to let Him save you.
Don’t wait until it will be forever too late!