Matthew 6:15 NASB
But if you do not forgive others,
then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.
How happy is the man whose sin is forgiven, whose transgression is covered.
▪︎ If we understand anything of the nature of sin, how dishonoring it is to God, we will pursue nothing so much as forgiveness of sin.
▪︎ If we live through some of the wages of sin and are crushed by the fear of hell, then forgiveness of sin will be desirable to us above all else.
▪︎ If we then understand something of that suffering, the price that the Lord Jesus had to pay, in order to obtain for us, forgiveness of sin, then it cannot but bear fruit in our lives.
The fruit of our text. Then we will also forgive the people for their crimes, whatever they have done.
If that’s not the fruit, then that’s the sad proof,
▪︎ that our faith is not real.
▪︎ That we do not understand how much we have been forgiven.
There are such infallible touchstones in God’s Word to test us.
This is one of them. For he who is forgiven much, loves much.
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