Matthew 6:6 NASB
But you, when you pray,
go into your inner room,
close your door
and pray to your Father
Who is in secret,
and your Father
Who sees what is done in secret
will reward you.
The Pharisees don’t do that.
They have fixed times for prayer, and when such a time comes, they pray, even if it was in the middle of the street. Then everyone can see how pious they are.
The Lord Jesus expects something different from His disciples.
They should not care about themselves, it should be about God.
Therefore they should go into the inner room.
The least visible place in the house.
Preferably with the door locked. As private as possible.
For the Lord pays no attention to our attitude in the first place.
Nor does the Lord listen to our many words. He looks at the heart.
Today we pray in church.
But do you also have an inner room where you can be alone with the Lord?
And do you often retreat there? To submit everything to Him?
He hears those who look for His salvation.
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