Although this message is scheduled for publication on May 11, 2022, I decided to show it to you today already, as it holds much relevance for these days.
Matthew 11:29 KJV
Take my yoke upon you,
and learn of me;
for I am meek and lowly in heart:
and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
- When was the last time you were quiet?
- When was the last time you were quiet before God?
- When was the last time you gave God the opportunity to speak to your heart?
- Can God even still speak in your heart?
We humans are all too easily driven by everything that comes to us in the world.
We humans fill our hearts all too easily with everything that comes to us in the news broadcasts.
Lately, there’s really only one topic that fills the news, and most people’s hearts, and that’s corona and everything related to it.
Be honest…
▪︎ How much time did you spend talking about corona in the past week?
▪︎ And how much time did you spend this past week sharing the gospel that saves lives for eternity?
Be honest…
▪︎ How much time did you spend reading about corona in the past week?
▪︎ And how much time did you spend last week reading the gospel that saves you for eternity in the Bible?
Be honest…
▪︎ How much time did you spend on corona last week, by listening to the broadcasts about it?
▪︎ And how much time did you spend last week on the saving gospel, listening to sermons, or listening to broadcasts about it?
Be honest… What is your interest?
We, hurried people, often quickly provoked to wrath,
▪︎ really realize that we need rest, but do we allow ourselves that rest?
▪︎ do realize that it must become quiet in our hearts, in order to let God speak, but do we still allow God the word, may He still speak to you through the Bible? Or maybe your Bible is covered under a thick layer of dust somewhere?
Have you ever wondered…
▪︎ Why do many, maybe including you, feel so exhausted and tired?
▪︎ Why each new day brings new afflictions, while it is our God’s purpose that we should receive new blessings daily?
▪︎ Could it be that we no longer allow His voice, His message, to penetrate our hearts?
▪︎ Could it be that we suppress the voice of Him who promises rest to all who want to learn from Him, have no room for it, because we have filled our hearts with other things?
Have you ever wondered…
▪︎ Why are there disasters and setbacks in the world every day?
A nation that forsakes its God has to fear one disaster after the other!
We see this very clearly in the Old Testament, in the history of Israel.
Whenever they forsake their God, disasters, wars, and setbacks followed.
Why should today’s world be any different?
Moreover, Jesus told us that these things would happen in increasing numbers and strength, but also that this is not yet the end.
These disasters, wars, and setbacks are indeed a sign of His soon return! Are you ready for that? Or are you too busy with everything that is happening in the world?
Would you like to be taught by your Savior?
He does not turn away anyone who desires to sit at His feet.
▪︎ When you take more time to read your Bible, than the newspapers,
▪︎ When you start taking more time to listen to the gospel, than the worldly news,
▪︎ When you are going to take more time to talk about the gospel, than about corona, or any other thing.
Then you bring things back into balance, and does the most important thing get the most attention again.
Then it will also become quiet and peaceful in your heart.
Then you will experience again how wonderful the rest must be.
‘Learn of Me, sounds the voice of the best Master.
‘Learn of Me,’ if you want to find rest.
“Learn from Me, that meekness and humility are the conditions.”
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