Matthew 4:9 NASB
And he said to Him,
“All these things I will give You,
if You fall down and worship me.”
When the devil has shown all the kingdoms of the world, he makes his offer: worship me, bow down to me and I will give you all this!
So the devil pretends that he has the last word.
He is called the ruler of the world, yet that does not mean that he has ultimate power over it.
The One to whom he makes this offer, is the One Who has been promised all power over heaven and earth. But He must first pay and walk the way of obedience to the end.
He does not want to receive power over everything from the devil but from His Father. Him alone will He worship!
If He had listened to this tempting offer:
▪︎ Then He would not have to walk the way over Golgotha to full glorification.
▪︎ Then He would not have reconciled any enemies with God.
▪︎ Then the kingdoms and the glory would have remained full of sin.
But now He has sent Satan away in this final temptation and has conquered him.
Now He is going the way of “payment in full” and thus will He plant His Kingdom in a lost world.
Twitter: @SchoemakerHarry
Website 1: https://devotionals.harryschoemaker.nl
Website 2: http://bijbelplaatjes.nl
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