Matthew 3:17 NASB
And behold,
a voice out of the heavens said,
“This is My beloved Son,
in whom I am well-pleased.”
This is My Son, My Beloved, in whom I am well pleased.
There is no doubt.
At the baptism of the Lord Jesus in the Jordan an audible voice comes from heaven: This is My Son.
The Father gives His approval, now that the Son is ready to begin His work. Everyone may hear that the Father is well pleased in Him.
For it is His will that sin be atoned for and that sinners be saved. That is why He sent His Son into the world. For that reason, He lets His Son go that difficult road to Golgotha.
When the Father has all His pleasure in His Son…,
▪︎ Could He ever be satisfied with anything from us?
▪︎ Could we then, exist before the Lord, on the basis of something else?
No, then we have only one option left:
Accept Him, as a Gift from the Father’s hands.
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