Matthew 3:13 NASB
Then Jesus arrived from Galilee
at the Jordan coming to John,
to be baptized by him.
John has been preaching at the Jordan for a long time.
He had the robes of a prophet of repentance.
He spoke the word of a prophet of repentance.
Could it be expected that it would bear fruit?
Oh, who loves such a message with his natural heart?
But there at the Jordan God had worked: penitents had confessed their guilt and had been baptized in the Jordan.
How great moments those had been in the life of the trailblazer.
But the greatest moment in his labors is yet to come.
It is so clearly described in the evangelist Matthew.
He simply mentions that Jesus comes to John to be baptized by him.
That’s His Name: Jesus, Saviour.
He enters into the great work whereby he obtains salvation for His own.
He must enter into His Surety labor.
He must bear the burden of the wrath of God.
In order to redeem humanity from the greatest evil and to bring it to the highest good.
Behold, He knows the hour of that.
The Father has ordained Him According to the counsel of peace.
That is why He comes to be baptized.
It comes from Him.
Twitter: @SchoemakerHarry
Website 1: https://devotionals.harryschoemaker.nl
Website 2: http://bijbelplaatjes.nl
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