Difficulties often seem bigger than they really are.
If we can no longer take it, we lose courage and we no longer see how to proceed.
God allows such difficulties.
Not to make life impossible for us, but to get us to the point where we allow Him to help us. Often it is necessary for Him to show us that our strength is limited.
That is a tough lesson, because we have always been able to do so much ourselves.
It is much easier to do everything yourself than to depend on someone. This goes against our feelings of self-worth. Being powerless is a great trial for us humans.
Being unable to do anything ourselves is the last thing we want to acknowledge. It is a lesson we must learn in God’s school. God wants us to simply trust in Him, that our expectation is only His. His power is unlimited. He can help. He wants to help.
Those who wait for the Lord will find new strength.
However high the mountain of your troubles may be, he is never too high for God.
He knows a way with your problems, no matter whether He will change the difficulties or yourself.
He does one thing or the other when we give everything completely into His hands.
Twitter: @SchoemakerHarry
Website 1: https://devotionals.harryschoemaker.nl
Website 2: http://bijbelplaatjes.nl