True peace is:
Making peace with God
And fighting against sin.
I find it very bad that there are people who, as long as they are healthy or have no problems, pretend that the minister does not exist; but as soon as sickness afflicts them, trouble arises, or when the cold breath of death is perceptible, know not how quickly to call the clergyman to assist them in word and deed.
I assure you that if you wait until you are ill, or perhaps dying, in your bed, you will probably not have the strength to carry on a good conversation, and in fact your pastor will have problems to still clarify things to you, as you may not be able to understand or comprehend his words anymore.
It is also quite possible that God will leave your conscience as it is at that moment because you are no longer able to ask for forgiveness, with the consequence that you will open your eyes into the outer darkness.
Though I do it regularly, I don’t like to speak or preach about damnation, hell, and God’s wrath, but I see so many walking the way to the abyss, I see so many despising the narrow way to heaven, that I am left with no choice but to continue to warn them of the impending doom to which they hasten.
And although I have experienced many times that even church communities have turned me away after such sermons, and experience now that people are saying goodbye to me, because they do not want to hear this, because they do not want to be confronted with their sinful nature, I have decided, to keep telling the people the truth.
So some of them may yet repent, and if not, that once in hell, they at least one cannot say:
▪︎ that the seriousness of their sins was never explained to them;
▪︎ that they do not know a preacher who has warned them;
▪︎ that they do not know a preacher who has told them where they were going;
▪︎ that they do not know a preacher who has repeatedly urged them to take their eternal salvation seriously, and not to postpone their decision to follow Jesus.
No, once in that place of torment, one will have to acknowledge:
He has warned us several times about this place of misery but…
▪︎ we didn’t believe him,
▪︎ we made no effort to avoid this place
▪︎ we have made no effort to escape the wrath to come.
As the revealing work of the Holy Spirit, which opens the word to us, precedes faith, so the sealing work of the Holy Spirit follows faith. “After you have believed, you are sealed.”
Ephesians 1:13
In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation – having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise
Unfortunately, many do not build their faith on what God has told us, but on what they themselves feel, or have felt – “I cannot believe, for I don’t feel it”. But do not forget that the woman with the issue of blood did not experience the power that proceeded from the Christ, until in faith she had touched the hem of His garment.
What you may experience, or may feel, may not be the basis of your faith, it is only there to encourage and fuel your faith.
“I don’t feel it” must not be a reason for you to be lost for all eternity! Nor your own opinion (“I see it all a bit differently”), but put your faith right now in Him Who can and will save you for eternity! Don’t delay, don’t wait until it’s too late forever!
If you need it, make an appointment with your pastor today!
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