Mark 15:13 NASB
They shouted back, “Crucify Him!”
Other translations
King James Bible
And they cried out again, Crucify him.
New King James Version
So they cried out again, “Crucify Him!”
“Crucify him” was the cry that now fell upon Pilates ears, prompted by the chief priests, and re-echoed by the crowd. Still the procurator did not yield, though already at Cæsarea he had had proof of the invincible tenacity of a Jewish mob, whom not even the prospect of instant death could deter (Jos. Antiq. xviii. 3. 1).
He resolved to make another direct appeal to the excited crowd. “Why should he crucify Him?” “What evil had He done?”
He got no answer, they just cried out again, Crucify him.
These words might seem at first to justify the old reading, in Mark 15:8, adopted in the Authorized Version, “crying aloud”, But there the word was ἀναβοήσας, here it is ἔ᾿κραξαν. Moreover, in Mark 15:14, it is not (περισσοτέρως) “the more exceedingly,” but (περισσῶς)
What do you want me to do with your King?
That is Pontius Pilate’s question.
Jesus, the King of the Jews, stood next to Bar-abbas, a rioter and murderer. The people are given the choice which of them should be released.
The King is not chosen. Barabbas is.
The choice is for riots and revolution and against the King.
Too often that is our existence.
Have you also seen yourself standing among all those people who have cried out with all their might: Crucify Him!
We don’t want a King.
▪︎ Even though He went through the land doing good,
▪︎ Even though He healed all sickness and disease,
We don’t want Him.
▪︎ All too often we love our existence too much,
▪︎ All too often we love the path of sin too much.
No, just crucify Him and let us continue in our sinful ways!
The people, and that’s us, don’t want to bow under the Word!
Unless … Our eyes are opened and He pours His love into our hearts.
▪︎ Then our heart breaks.
▪︎ Then our soul bows under His scepter of grace and love.
▪︎ Then we see Him standing still, silent, like a Lamb for our sakes. He stood there in our place.
▪︎ Then we come to realize that the judgment of this terrible death fits us.
▪︎ Then we realize that we have more than deserved that punishment.
▪︎ Then our mouth is closed, and are we no longer crying for His sentence, but starts our mouth to confesses that we are worthy of this sentence.
The cry, Crucify Him, then will be silenced, and we learn to understand that the Christ speaks of grace to a condemned sinner.
Twitter: @SchoemakerHarry
Website 1: https://devotionals.harryschoemaker.nl
Website 2: http://bijbelplaatjes.nl