2 Peter 3:18
But grow in the grace and knowledge
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
To Him be the glory,
both now and to the day of eternity.
Like dwarfed trees, stunted Christians bear little fruit.
On a missionary visit to Japan, a missionary was impressed by the remarkable miniature shrubs which are frequently seen in the homes. Some of them, though many years old, can actually be carried in one hand, pot and all.
Others, gnarled and knotted by centuries of wind and weather, are small enough to grace a dinner table. The process involved in this unique oriental art called ‘bonsai’ is most interesting.
With great skill the grower nips off some of the tree’s roots, pinches its limbs, and starves it by using very little soil. This combination of root confinement and restriction of water and nourishment carries it to the point where it does not die, but becomes “a manikin plant with the wrinkled face of an old man on legs of a little boy.”
True, these tiny forms resemble their normal shapes, but they are infantile in all other respects.
Many of God’s children are like these tiny trees of Japan.
Their spiritual growth has been stunted. Instead of reaching deep into the rich soil of the Word of God, their roots have been nipped by entanglement with the world.
They have neglected the needed daily refreshing of the divine water of life.
Years pass by and one who could be stalwart and mature still continues to remain a babe in Christ.
Though some evidences of a true believer are seen, the life has been restricted, confined, and starved. As a result we have a dwarfed Christian!
If you are such a spiritually emaciated “pigmy,” remember, the condition can be corrected. You may “grow up” by taking in the Word as your daily food. Then, no longer will you be a shriveled child of God!
Feeding on the Living Bread,
Drinking at the Fountain Head,
You’ll grow in grace and so fulfill
God’s holy plan and blessed will.
Twitter: @SchoemakerHarry
Website 1: https://devotionals.harryschoemaker.nl
Website 2: http://bijbelplaatjes.nl