Hosea 7: 8 NASB
Ephraim mixes himself with the nations;
Ephraim has become a cake not turned.
Or in other words:
Israel’s people mix themselves with people from other countries.
Israel is like a cake that someone did not cook on both sides.
Ephraim is a cake that has not been turned upside down.
That is clear enough:
A cake that is not turned upside down.
▪︎ The baker cannot sell it and it is unsuitable for consumption.
▪︎ Burned on one side and undercooked on the other. A mess…
What can the Lord mean by that image?
▪︎ Ephraim (Israel) expects it from the nations, but not from her God.
▪︎ Ephraim (Israel) is warm to people, but remains cold to the Lord.
The sin of one-sidedness …
Who is not at fault here?
How often have we too, only focused on the world and on things from below?
How often have we too, been standing with our back to the Lord?
The world everything and God nothing.
When everyone was talking about Corona, I was even blamed for ignoring it altogether. “You keep talking about that Bible, but don’t you see what is happening?”
My answer was:
- “I see people completely panicking unnecessarily for a virus”,
- “I see people in panic, and unnecessarily ruining themselves and their countries”
- “I see there are only a few who know themselves safe with the Lord”
Again and again I have said: “Corona means crown, and that crown does not fit me. If I am to receive a crown, I expect a different crown from above!
- Not one that is forced upon me by panicking “scholars”, but one of Him who has the right to give crowns to whom He wants.
- Not one that tries to rob me of my freedoms, but one that completely sets me free.
And meanwhile, people continue to do all kinds of nonsens things that are completely illogical and unsustainable.
- Mandatory masks on public transport. No not the mask that can really filter a virus, if you wear that one, you will be fined and get a criminal record. You must wear a mouth mask that lets through 80% and offers no protection at all. And if you do not wear it, a fine of € 100.00 plus criminal record will follow, while the chance of getting sick, by wearing a mask like that, will increase by almost 50%.
- No more shaking hands, and interacting totally unnaturally and antisocial because it would be safer.
- Mandatory keep 1.5 meters away from others for safety, and everyone who has cold symptoms must stay at home, while everyone knows that if someone sneezes or coughs it can infect someone at 4 to 6 meters away. Meanwhile, this measure destroys many companies and millions of jobs worldwide. But if you don’t, it may cost you € 400,- , or you could even be arrested, in both cases you will have a criminal record. And being a criminal, different jobs will no longer be available to you and many other things will not be possible for you anymore.
- I could make this list many times longer, but that is not what this post is about.
▪︎ Because people are entrenched in fear hysteria.
▪︎ Because people have turned their backs on their God.
What the world always needs, but perhaps now even more than ever before, is to return to God. We have to be turned around. Being focused on God.
The greatest chance is that you will not get corona at all, and if you do get it, there is only a minimal chance that you will get something out of it.
But when you must appear before God’s judgment seat without your sins being forgiven, the chances are 100% that you will not participate in His Kingdom and eternal life.
Don’t you have much more reason to worry about that?
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