Have you ever conveyed an important message?
Have you ever been sent by someone who urged you, “Tell them that I sent you?”
Now, that’s the case with Moses!
An Israelite who was on the run for Pharaoh, and had been a shepherd to his father-in-law Jethro in Midian for years.
The people of Israel, meanwhile, groaned because of slavery in Egypt.
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob calls Moses to go with a message to the Pharaoh of Egypt: “Let my people go!”
So Moses had to go into the lion’s den.
Yet, apparently Moses is less concerned with the reception at Pharaoh, than with the response of the Israelites. And Moses also confesses it honestly to God. Imagine they want to know from You, “What is His Name?” What shall I say?
Then the God of Israel reveals His full Name: YHWH, I AM, or I WILL BE!
Translated with LORD in most translations, all capitalized!
This is a name with an endless deep meaning.
▪︎ He is the God you can count on,
▪︎ the God, who is as He is called,
▪︎ the Reliable,
▪︎ the God of the covenant!
So you can rightly sing: “I Put my trust in the Lord”, my God!
See Exodus 3:1-14