Nahum 1:7 KJV
The Lord is good,
a stronghold (or strength) in the day of trouble;
and He knoweth them that trust in Him.
The Lord loves those who believe him. When they are in trouble, they can put their hope in God.
God is good
You expect this crisp and warm confession in times of prosperity and joy.
But the prophet Nahum speaks about the God Who, in His judgments, goes over the earth like a hurricane wind. The mighty empires and proud capitals of the time are destroyed.
But if God shows His wrath righteously, it does not detract from his goodness.
He has a very long patience with those who do not want to repent, but His patience is not endless. When He finally burns out in wrath, it is perfectly justified and deserved.
The name Nahum means “comforter”.
In the midst of heavy storms, he points to the shelter.
He points a sad and tested people to the Lord, who is a rock to live in, a shelter where the heart in pain can find refuge again and again.
Satan’s meanest trick is to cast doubt on the goodness of God. But the goodness of the Lord knows no bounds.
The Lord in His omniscience knows every person, including you and me.
He knows who, and where we are, and also what we are doing.
And yet He will say to many, “Get away from me, because I never knew you!”
It is then, as in the above text, all about the complete trust in Him, the deep knowledge of His love, but above all, being known by Him.
Knowing God’s means a lot.
- God loves us. But love has to come from both sides. He expects us to love Him with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our strength (Deuteronomy 6:5)
- God takes care of us, and He expects us to continue to follow Him faithfully.
- God accepts us, and He expects us to also accept Him as our Lord and Savior (John 1:12)
He is like a loving father and like a caring mother to us, but infinitely better.
What a rest gives this, when it storms in the world and in your own life. For the names of those known by God, are engraved on his palms.
And the great miracle is, that this now applies to all who trust in Him.
Who rely entirely on Him and expect everything from Him.
Who take refuge in the Christ.
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