2 Thessalonians 2:14-15 NASB
It was for this [reason that] He called you through our gospel,
that you may gain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions
which you were taught,
whether by word of mouth or by letter from us.
Or in other words:
We told you God’s good news. That is how God called you to come to Him. He saved you, so that you would join with our Lord Jesus Christ in heaven. Because of that, our Christian friends, you must continue to trust the Christ.
Continue to believe the true things that we taught you.
I mean the things that we told you when we were with you.
We also wrote about them in our letter to you.
Traditions are customs and practices from the past that are passed on as accepted standards of behavior for the present.
The verse above reveals that there are customs and practices in the Kingdom of God that cannot be compromised; a conscious effort should be made to assimilate them and pass them on to the next generation.
Apostle Paul wanted them to hold fast to the traditions pertaining to the second coming of Christ. The Thessalonians were taught extensively about the return of the Lord, and they were expected to keep refreshing themselves with the teachings in order not to forget.
Dear friends, even Jesus Christ had a custom of going to the synagogue to participate in worship
Luke 4:16 NASB
And He came to Nazareth,
where He had been brought up;
and as was His custom,
He entered the synagogue on the Sabbath,
and stood up to read.
There are traditions about the new birth, baptism, healing, righteousness, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and the second coming of Christ, which we have to keep reminding ourselves of, in order not to forget them.
Forgetting them will make us prone to deception.
Therefore let us keep these good traditions.
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