Luke 15:18 KJV
I will arise and go to my father,
and will say unto him,
Father, I have sinned against heaven,
and before thee
How are you standing before God today?
How are you reading His word?
As a prodigal son?
Like a person who has to confess and say, “I have sinned against Heaven and for you?”
What a grace it is to recognize that you are guilty.
Don’t run away from it. But to go to God with it.
That is already faith.
Just look at the parable.
The prodigal son sees his guilt.
It deeply humiliates him.
But now he plunges not in despair.
No, he has the intention to stand up and go to his father.
He will confess everything.

He will not hold anything back.
He wants to unconditionally bow at the feet of his father.
That is faith.
The son remembers how full of love and grace his father’s heart is.
He remembers the tears from his father when he went his own way.
And that gives him a silent hope.
This is how the awakened sinner becomes drawn to the Lord.
Although everything we did sues us.
The message, that there is forgiveness with the Lord, that He is the Father of mercy, draws us to Him, brings us sinners to get up and return.
Bring your own distress and loss.
God gives grace to poor people.
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