Concern, worries, and anxiety can be related to someone’s character. Sometimes this is due to the education that one has had, but it can also be an inheritance, inherited from the family in which one was born.
More important than the question of how one got it, is the question: “How do you get rid of it?”
It is very important to see what the Lord Jesus says about this in this Bible passage.
“Don’t worry about food and clothes,” he says.
Many of the wealthy people are only focused on material things.
This attitude to life characterizes the non-believer.
Luke 12:29-30 KJV
[As for you,] seek not ye what ye shall eat,
or what ye shall drink,
neither be ye of [an anxious and unsettled] doubtful mind.
For all these things do the [pagan] nations
of the world [greedily] seek after:
and your [heavenly] Father [already] knoweth
that ye have need of these things.
We as God’s children must be differently oriented.
How are we released from sinful anxiety?
First of all by seeing how God takes care of nature.
If He already cares for animals and plants, will He not take much more care of us, the crown of His creation? “Of course the Lord does that,” says Jesus (Luke 12:22-30).
Jesus does not condemn the attention we have for material things, but the thought that we can secure our lives through those materials.
Our life is only safe under God’s care!
That is why seeking his Kingdom should be our priority.
Luke 12:31 KJV
Rather [strive for and actively] seek
ye the kingdom of God;
and all these things
shall be added unto you
(will be given to you as well).
Seeking His Kingdom is not primarily having a desire for His (future) Kingdom, or the attempt to secure our access to His Kingdom (later).
It is a matter of the here and now!
We must put our whole life here on earth, now under the authority and Kingship of God.
Then we will lack nothing (Luke 12:31).
To do that, the Lord, through His Son, gives us the Holy Spirit (John 14:15-17; Acts 2:38). That is the only way to get rid of our concerns. We then learn to place our will, which by nature always wants to regulate everything itself, under God’s will (Hebrews 13:5,6). And in this way our will becomes equal to His will.
In the way you live, do not want lots of money. Be happy with the things that you have. Be happy, because God has said: ‘I will never leave you; I will always be there with you.’
Because of that, we can bravely say this: ‘The Lord is the one who helps me, so I will not be afraid. I will not be afraid of anything that people can do to me.’ (See Hebrews 13:5-6)
If we have placed our lives in God’s hand, and know that we do not have to worry about our own fate, then we can focus on the needs of our fellow men (Compare Galatians 6:10; Titus 3: 8)
Luke 12:33 KJV
Sell that ye have (your possessions),
[show compassion] and give alms (donations to the poor)
provide yourselves bags (money belts) which wax not old,
a treasure in the heavens that faileth not (that never runs out
i.e. an unfailing and inexhaustible treasure),
where no thief approacheth,
neither moth corrupteth (harms them).
Then earthly wealth gives way to heavenly wealth: a purse that does not age through wear and tear, a treasure that does not run out of expenditure.
Prayer suggestion
▪ Ask God to teach you to trust in Him completely.
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