- I sometimes don’t see your posts and day may pass without seeing them, I don’t know the reason.
- Are you okay? I ask because I’m missing your messages
- I don’t see your posts lately.
- I hope you will start writing again, cause I miss the daily messages
- I don’t see your posts anymore, don’t know why.
- Why did you stop posting your devotionals?
- I never see Your Post recently
- Did you stop posting your messages?
- Pls I want too see your posts again.
These are just some of the numerous messages I received lately.
I’m still writing daily, but it is clear that Facebook is not showing the messages to all who are following me, or who have liked my pages.
I have the impression that only about 10% of the people who follow me are now and then seeing my messages. Of the people who liked my English page about 3% may sometimes see some of them, and of the people who liked my Dutch page less than 1%.
So I know that on Facebook I’m writing these days for only a handful of people.
Last year
▪︎ I had a group of over 4.000 members, but Facebook deleted that, a few times I rebuilt the group. They were deleted when they reached over 2000, over 1500, and the last time just over 300 members
▪︎ I had 4 accounts with each 5.000 friends, 3 accounts of them were deleted, and the first account still exists, but all friends were removed from it, and now it is not possible to become a friend with me again. It is only possible to follow me on that account. As I have no friends now, I see in my timeline only the commercials and my own messages I posted during the last 12 hours.
▪︎ I had different pages with thousands of people who liked them, All those pages were deleted.
▪︎ I was copying my messages to numerous big groups, but Facebook blocked me from all of them, and now over half a year I’m not allowed to join any group, or like pages.
During the 3rd quarter of last year I was reaching 10.999.982 (almost 11 million) people, and that was the moment Facebook started to block me, delete accounts, groups and pages.
So since then I couldn’t reach those millions anymore.
But I continued with the daily messages, which are now only read by a handful of people, who followed my account, or liked the new pages I made on Facebook.
I know that most of my messages will never been seen by anyone on Facebook, as Facebook is preventing you to see them. So I get the impression that Facebook doesn’t want the Gospel on their platform.
But my messages can be found at my own website and as long as Facebook doesn’t delete them on my pages.
Twitter: @SchoemakerHarry
Website: https://devotionals.harryschoemaker.nl
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/worldwide.ekklesia/
And on my timeline at Facebook
Twitter: Twitter: @SchoemakerHarry
Website: https://overdenkingen.harryschoemaker.nl
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wereldwijde.ekklesia/
En op mijn tijdlijn op Facebook