Dear friends,
Last week we experienced again some changes.
Specially now, when so many are panicking, and need the comfort that only the Bible can offer them, the contact with many was again cut off.
Last year the number of people who could read the daily devotionals was growing daily. Till the messages were seen by almost 11 million people.
Then Facebook blocked me from writing in other groups and I was removed from all of them. Also 3 profiles with each 5.000 friends were deleted.
From that moment, only those who were friends on the only left account and the members of my own group could still read them; in total some 7.000 people.
Now my own group, and the pages in English and Dutch language are also gone, and on top of that all friends were also removed from my account, and as I heard, it is not possible to become friends again. (But you can still follow)
From the almost 11 million from before, at this moment there are only a handful of people who can still read the messages on Facebook.
I was offline for 2 days, but if possible I’ll continue posting the messages.
If you cannot see them here anymore, you are still able to read the devotionals on my website.
Ofcourse you are free to share the messages, and invite your friends.
Although Facebook makes it difficult, let us try to keep the message going into the world, also on this platform.
Internet http://harryschoemaker.nl
Read more of these messages at: https://devotionals.harryschoemaker.nl
It is a pity that my pages, and the group on Facebook have been deleted
Lees meer van deze berichten op: https://overdenkingen.harryschoemaker.nl
Het is jammer dat mijn pagina’s, en de groep op Facebook verwijderd zijn.