“And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding (which surpasses all comprehension), shall keep (guard) your hearts and minds through (in) Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7 (KJV)
▪︎ There is no beginning an no end to our almighty God.
▪︎ And so there is also no beginning and no end to the character of God.
▪︎ no beginning and no end to the love of God
▪︎ and no beginning and no end to the peace of God.
This immense love and peace,
▪︎ God wants to be in your heart,
▪︎ God wants to live in your heart,
▪︎ God wants to rule in your heart.
This is the greatest miracle in all history, that He, the almighty, and holy God, chooses to live with us, unholy and evil people.
I really don’t know why Jesus loves you and me, but I’m glad He does.
In the world we already call it peace, when there is no war.
But this is not the kind of peace that God offers us. The kind of peace that He wants us to experience is a completeness of inner calmness, serenity, and even joy in turbulent situations.
This immense peace shall guard your heart and mind against negative influences of the world, so you can be completely at rest in Jesus.
A clear example of this peace is found in the Christ.
This peace of mind, this peace for your heart, is for all those, who belong to Him, who surrendered to Him, and are following Him on the narrow road.
This love and peace surpasses all comprehension, and is given to His own to keep (or guard) their hearts and minds.
Dear friends, how I wish you all would be my brothers and sisters, so you all would be in the Christ, and the Christ in you, and experience this peace of God in you.
Only when God can see the Christ in you, only when God does not find the evil of sin in you, because it was taken away by Jesus’ sacrifice, you are able to go into His kingdom.
So, to accept Jesus, is not only a blessing for this life, so you can experience His peace, but also a necessity to receive life. He is the only way to the Father, all other ways lead to death and destruction.
Seize the opportunity God is giving you to receive the eternal life.
Internet: harryschoemaker.nl
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