“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” – Matthew 24:36 (KJV)
God the Father is a good Father. He truly is the Father of all creation. – If you want, He will be your Father as well!
He keeps everything in control and absolutely nothing happens without His knowledge.
He keeps a keen eye on all the events that happen in heaven, on the earth, and under the earth.
When Jesus Christ was walking on this earth, the disciples knew He would one day depart to heaven, but they also wanted to know the time of His return, the time of His second coming.
Jesus made them understand that He didn’t have the answer for them. It is known to the Father only.
Dear friends, this should inform you that certain information is only available to the Father, because He is God;
He knows what to share, and what to keep secret so we can depend on Him.
If Jesus had given the time, people would probably have lived a corrupt and sinful life, waiting to repent when they saw the time approaching.
Now, since no one knows the time of the second coming, nor the time we will take our last breath, wise people will take salvation seriously, prepare ahead of time, and await His coming.
May the Lord give you grace to take advantage of the gift of salvation, before the end of your life on Earth.