Every day I’m keeping numbers of messages out of our group. Some get angry with me because of that and leave, others are glad to be in a group where wrong and misleading messages are kept outside.
Some of the wrong and misleading questions that people are posting in groups, and are trying to post in our group are:
• Who was first. Jesus or Christ?
• What is the difference between the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost?
• What’s the difference between angels and ancestors?
• What is a sin. Stealing a Bible or stealing money to buy a Bible?
• Please who wrote the Bible? Jesus or Moses?
• Who verified the bible as a word of GOD? Jesus or Moses?
• Who decided to print and publish the Bible worldwide? I need the name!
Every day you could read at least 20 of these kind of messages, if I would allow them.
Some messages are so bad, that seem like they could have come from the snake in paradise.
• Sex is a form of worship in the occult, and you have to progress in it, so you need to practice all types of sex including homosexuality.
• God loves the sinner, so he wants you to sin, so he can love you
• Why does God encourage you to sin?
• The Bible can save you, so why is stealing a Bible a sin?
• God wants only one thing for you, and that is to be rich, have a big bank account, a luxurious house and a big car, so why are you poor Harry?
• God is our healer, so why are you sickly and weak Harry?
• Are you cursed by God? Is that why your cancer doesn’t heal? Maybe people are better off not listening to you!
• Greed is no sin, it is just wishing to advance in this world.
• If your neighbor wants sex, you can give it to her, because giving is a good thing, isn’t it?
And so on… I could make this list even much longer.
More tricky are the messages where by changing one word in a text, it gets a different, or double meaning.
I hope to be keen enough, to keep all those out as well.