Revelation 2:10
Do not fear what you are about to suffer.
Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison,
so that you will be tested,
and you will have tribulation for ten days.
Be faithful until death,
and I will give you the crown of life.
It is far better to WEAR OUT for God than to RUST OUT for self!
▪︎ The founder of “Radio Bible Class”, Dr. M. R. De Haan, often said, “There is no retirement for the Christian!”
He didn’t like to be reminded that he had reached the age when most people are content to sit back and take it easy. The burdens of a sinful world pressed heavily
upon his heart.
Therefore he never entertained the thought of relaxing his earnest and untiring efforts to seek the salvation of the lost or of relinquishing the equally important task of providing spiritual nourishment for Christ’s hungry sheep.
Even on the day of his death, although very weak, he tried to record a radio message thus demonstrating his deep conviction of the need for unwavering faithfulness in the Lord’s service.
▪︎ George Whitefield, who lived about 200 years ago, exhibited a similar devotion to Christ. After preaching several times one day, he went to his room completely exhausted.
As he was preparing for bed, he was informed that a large crowd had gathered and wanted him to speak just once more. Summoning his remaining strength, he took a candle with him and said he would preach till it was burned out. The taper flickered its last about an hour later, and Whitefield closed in prayer and went inside.
The next morning they found him on his knees beside his bed — the flame of his earthly existence had glimmered and died.
“Faithful unto death,” he now awaits the promised crown!
As believers we too must represent the Lord Jesus “till the light goes out”; for no matter how restricted our energies and opportunities, there is no retirement for the Christian!
I would not falter nor retire;
For grace to do Thy will I ask;
With heart aflame and zeal undimmed,
Lord, make me faithful to my task.
Twitter: @SchoemakerHarry
Website 1: https://devotionals.harryschoemaker.nl
Website 2: http://bijbelplaatjes.nl