The power of prayer is much greater than we often think.
We often find ourselves in a situation where we say, “And now we can do no more than pray.” Then we often feel so helpless.., if only we could do something.
But that is overconfidence and too little trust in God.
Of course, if we can do something, we shouldn’t let it be. But we should never think that it would be better if only we could do something, that prayer is a last resort.
It’s the first!
It is the main thing, because, after all, God has to do everything, with us or without us.
Prayer is our most powerful weapon, because it puts everything in the hands of Him who commands everything. We will always have to get rid of that: “If only I ..!”
Become like a child.
Be totally dependent.
However difficult this is for us,
But also how wonderful it is, that it is allowed.
Lord …
Give me the inner peace to accept the things I can’t change,
Give me the courage to change what I am able to do,
Give me the wisdom to see where the difference lies.
Twitter: @SchoemakerHarry
Website 1: https://devotionals.harryschoemaker.nl
Website 2: http://bijbelplaatjes.nl