Ecclesiastes 7:1 NASB
A good name is better
than a good ointment,
And the day of one’s death is better
than the day of one’s birth.
A good name does not come just because the meaning of your name is pleasant.
It comes by the effort you put into it.
Having the fear of God in you, respecting the elderly, making the right choices, having the right attitude toward work and people, etc., all go toward creating a good name.
Having a good name attracts favor and opens doors of opportunity for you.
Proverbs 22:1
A good name is to be more desired than great wealth,
Favor is better than silver and gold.
- People love to associate with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob because of their good name.
- Jesus Christ has the most lovely name because of the good work He did for the entire human race.
Dear friends, if there is anything to work for, it should be a good name.
Some children are benefiting today because of the good name their parents left behind.
A lot of people don’t want to name their children Judas because he betrayed our Savior, so you can see what a bad name can do.
Always do things that will glorify God.
Have a good name!
Prayer suggestion
▪︎Ask God to lead you to do things that will bring glory to His name.
Twitter: @SchoemakerHarry
Website 1: https://devotionals.harryschoemaker.nl
Website 2: http://bijbelplaatjes.nl
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